A Lonely Place



A comfortable seat

wipe-clean green faux leather

in a swept clean hall

in a busy bright shopping mall.

People pass by chattering

to each other or their phones,

sometimes to themselves.

There is the beat of faint music

and the puzzle of fainter smells,

perfumes and food and the sweat

of overheated people searching

for bargains they don’t need.

I have never felt

more lonely.


4 responses to “A Lonely Place”

  1. … hand over heart. ❤️

  2. You are very kind, my friend. There is no reason, for anything…

  3. Your brilliance is showing! Spotless imagery!
    Your last two lines had me running for a bull horn and panic button! What to do, what to do!?
    ‘Lonely’ might be the reason for it all?… The search continues…

  4. ‘the puzzle of fainter smells’ – nice line

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