sirmioni lake garda

Just That Moment



Just That Moment

Not every moment in life

Has urgency

Some of them

Should be left unspent

And saved in the parcel of your heart

There was such a moment

Once, long ago

In the early morning

When the day was full of promise

Like a life not yet lived

I still remember

Sitting in sunlit silence

With the warm wind

And its kindly kiss

And the lapping of the lake water

Tickling pebbles at my toes

The scent of pine trees

And wood smoke

The taste of clean pure fresh air

And the sound of a faraway bell





Over the water

Beneath a bright blue gold-gilded sky

When you find that moment

Let it just be

There is nowhere else

There is no other

There is no why or when

There is just that moment

It cannot be taken from you

It is for you and only you

Keep it in you



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